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June 05, 2020

Update on 2020 USA Archery Target Nationals and U.S. Open

It is with great anticipation that we look forward to being safely able to rejoin each other on the archery field. At this time, we are very hopeful that we will be able to hold Outdoor Nationals this summer with extra safety precautions in place.

While the event is still a few months away, USA Archery is working closely with our partners in Virginia to monitor the public health situation and to create a safe environment for competition, scheduled for August 12-15 in Richmond.

Virginia has a three-phase plan for reopening. It is expected that we will be in Phase 2 by the time of Target Nationals. Phase 1 allows for social gatherings of 10 people, Phase 2 allows for gatherings of 50 people, and Phase 3 will have no restrictions.

For the purposes of the USA Archery Target Nationals and the U.S. Open, if we are in Phase 2, we will be limited to 50 people per competition field. The precautions below are in anticipation of a Phase 2 event, but if Virginia reaches Phase 3 before the event, we will lift restrictions and open registration further. Please be sure to also review our notes for planning your travel.


Limited Space: For this venue, Phase 2 restrictions will allow us to have 282 competitors and 9 judges over 3 competition fields with 2 shooting sessions per day. Archers will be spaced to one archer per target, per line to allow for social distancing.

Registration:  Registration will be filled on a first come-first served basis.* The 2020 USA Archery Target Nationals will only be open to U.S. Citizens and those with national eligibility on file with USAA to compete for the U.S. Registration is now open.

*Please review updated 2021 USAT Qualification Procedures. Note: this is not a required event.

Spectators and Coaches: To accommodate the maximum number of participants we are safely able to host, spectators and coaches will not be allowed. 30 days out from the event, if registration is not full, coaches may be allowed to purchase coach credentials on a first come, first served basis.

Schedule: The schedule will be adjusted to accommodate for adequate time to sanitize the venue between sessions. A new schedule is coming soon.

Team Rounds/Other Events:

  • The team round events will be cancelled.
  • The Happy Hour Reception event will be cancelled.
  • The USA Archery Annual Meeting will be held virtually.

Award Ceremonies: USA Archery will arrange a socially distanced, no-contact award ceremony for archers to celebrate wins on the “podium”.

Daily Screenings: Virginia’s state guidelines for recreational sports currently require daily screenings for COVID-19 symptoms before any individual is allowed to enter the venue. These screenings may involve a health safety survey and/or possibly a temperature check.  


Medical Precautions: If you have been in contact with someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19, stay home. If you are feeling unwell, have a fever or cough, stay home. If you are traveling from an area that has a high density of cases and/or has restrictions against travel, it is advised to stay home. High-risk and immunocompromised individuals are also encouraged to stay home.

USA Archery will have medical staff on site. If you have a temperature of 100.4F or higher, do not enter the venue. If you feel unwell or are unsure, please be sure to have your temperature checked by a medical professional.

Face Masks: It is recommended, but not required (unless local health authorities deem it so), that everyone with access to the field of play wear a face covering when not shooting. USA Archery will attempt to provide face masks for purchase on site, for those who do not have their own. However, face masks are currently available for purchase in limited supply and the best plan of action is to bring your own face mask.

Enhanced Cleaning and Sanitization Protocols: USA Archery will attempt to provide each archer their own 1oz bottle of hand sanitizer and there will be hand washing and sanitizing stations throughout the venue. High access areas will be cleaned regularly as well as scoring tablets, clip boards, athlete seating areas, etc. Particular attention will be paid to restrooms. There will be no shared water coolers – water bottles will be provided for athletes. Vendors and food handlers will follow safe protocols. They will wear masks and gloves and take extra precautions for health and safety, including regular sanitization of high access areas.

Notes for Planning your Travel:

In the case of event cancellation, USA Archery recommends booking flights with the insurance option, looking for hotels with flexible cancellation and refund policies or that do not require pre-payment. If the event is cancelled, we will issue refunds minus a service fee beyond our control. USA Archery will not issue refunds should you choose to cancel past the cancellation deadline.

We thank you all for your support and understanding as we put these changes into place. While we adjust to the reality of a new normal, we hope these practices will make for a fun and safe competition venue this summer and look forward to seeing you on the field!

Contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns – we welcome your feedback as we navigate the coming months.


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