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February 02, 2009

Youth World Championship Trials Process Determined

Transition Task Force Board members Sheri Rhodes and Lloyd Brown; Acting CEO, Denise Parker; National Head Coach, Kisik Lee; Chairman of the JOAD committee, Bob Pian and Chairman of the Officials and Rules Committee, Tom Green met by conference call to discuss the qualification process for the 2009 Youth World Championship. FITA added an interesting twist to the team selection process when they included, as part of the upcoming Youth World Championships, a qualification for the Youth Olympic Games. 

The Youth Olympic Games qualification is very limiting, as FITA will only allow three female recurve archers and three male recurve archers from any one country to compete in the trials process.  Moreover, these individuals must be born between January 1, 1992 and December 31, 1993 AND have to be part of your team competing in the Youth World Championships.

The question posed during the call was, do we alter the U.S. team selection process to ensure that we can field a team or even at least one archer in each class to qualify a spot in the Youth Olympic Games?  The group voted unanimously NOT to provide special treatment to those archers who would qualify for the Youth Olympic Games qualification round over any other archer competing for the twelve Youth World Championship slots. Therefore, the trials process will be the same as it was for the 2008 Youth World Championships held in Antalya, Turkey.

The group is hopeful that there will be archers who make the team that will also qualify to compete in the Youth Olympic Games trials.  If the U.S. team does not earn our two allotted slots at the Youth World Championships or cannot field a team for the qualification day, then a team will be sent to a continental qualifier for another attempt.

Youth Olympic Games slots the U.S. team is awarded will be filled at a trials tournament held during the 2010 year.  Jr. USAT ranking tournaments, including the 2010 JOAD National Championships, will be considered for this trials event.

More information regarding the Youth World Championships and Youth Olympic Games is outlined on the following pages.

For more information on the Youth World Championships, the trials and the Youth Olympic Games click here.

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