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March 25, 2011

USAA Certifies New Regional, Community Coaches

USA Archery has certified seven new Regional Coaches and five Community Coaches, all of whom participated in last week's Transition Regional Coach Course at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO. All of the participants began the week by completing a twenty hour Community Coach Course and written exam, which was immediately followed by the beginning of an intensive, four-day Regional Coach Course that culminated in rigorous written and practical exams. 


Fifteen candidates participated in the event, coming from as far as Singapore in order to learn from the country's top authorities on coaching. Presenters included National Head Coach KiSik Lee, USA Archery Coach Development Manager Sheri Rhodes, National Paralympic Head Coach Randi Smith, sports psychologist Dr. Peter Haberl, and NeuroSky's Dr. Hyoung Lee, among others. 


Two of the new Regional Coaches, Thomas Cha and Teresa Iaconi, are now able to accept the volunteer coaching positions with the Junior Dream Team to which they had recently been conditionally appointed, pending successful completion of the Regional Coach Course. 


Coaches who received certification through this course are:


Michele Avis (CO) - Regional

Eric Bennett (AZ) - Regional

Lucy Morris (NH) - Regional

Leng Sng Morris (VA) - Regional

Michael Perrego (CO) - Regional

Eric Tollefson (CA) - Regional

Thomas Cha (CO) - Regional

Greg Beckner (FL) - Community

George Majewski (NY) - Community

Tem Mills (CA) - Community

Courtney Walth (CA) - Community

Rhonda Crabtree (AZ) - Community

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