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April 01, 2011

2011 Athlete Update - Sustaining Excellence in 2011 & Beyond

2011 Able-Bodied Athlete Expectations - Sustaining Excellence in 2011 & Beyond

USA Archery victoriously returned to the medal stand during the 2010 World Cup and World Ranking Events!  We are excited about the upcoming 2011 season, which includes fielding full teams to a majority of the major international events.  The 2011 Season began when sixteen athletes traveled to compete in the IV Copa Merengue de Tiro Con Arco World Ranking Tournament in the Dominican Republic, where our athletes brought home 80 medals. 

The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) and Easton Sports Development Foundation (ESDF) and USA Archery's current sponsors, including Easton, Hoyt, B-Stinger, Arizona Archery Enterprises, United Airlines and Nike, are committed to supporting USA Archery in achieving international team success. Their significant contributions allow USA Archery to support our team travel and equipment needs. Please be sure to thank them for their contributions when you have an opportunity.

USA Archery is positioned to continue sending teams abroad, expand support for grassroots initiatives, and further develop athletes' and coaches' skill sets.  For USA Archery to be competitive with the rest of the world on both an individual and team level, we need to focus on building and sustaining a winning atmosphere!   

How will this work for you in 2011? 

USAA Performance Target 1:  World Championships - Torino, Italy, July 2 - 10, 2011 

Success at the 2011 World Championships is a critical component for qualifying U.S. quota spots for the 2012 Olympic Games, and for preparing to win Olympic Medals in London.  The World Archery Championships is our first opportunity to qualify quota slots for the London Games.

USAA Performance Target 2:  World Cup Events - 4 Events 

One of USA Archery's objectives is to continue using the World Cup events to train our archers in the team and Olympic rounds in preparation for World Championships and Olympics.  It is imperative for athletes and coaches to experience the highest level of competition in preparation for international events. 

Another vital component to increasing competition success is the hosting of team camps prior to World Cup events.  The World Cup Preparation Camps will be conducted in the same location as the World Cups, departing two or three days prior to the first day of official practice. These camps will be used to prepare the athletes and work on team building and team round strategy.

2011 International Events - Qualification Process & Team Funding

Qualification Procedures:  Top four athletes through the Top 10 Rolling Ranking.  (4 Cmpd Men, 4 Cmpd Women, 4 Rcve Men, 4 Rcve Women). 

2011 World Cup Selection Procedures

Recurve archer funding:  The USOC has provided funding for USA Archery to send a full squad of four archers to the first three World Cup events; the fourth World Cup stage will be self-funded.

Compound archer funding: The Easton Foundations have provided USA Archery the funding to send full compound teams to the first two World Cup events, minus airfare.  USA Archery will cover on-site expenses and provide flights stipends for the World Cup stages 1 and 2.  For the World Cup stage 3 in Ogden, UT, USA Archery will be covering on-site expenses.  World Cup stage 4 will be self-funded.

World Cup Stage 1 - Porec, Croatia - May 2 - 7

  • Qualification Procedures:  2011 World Cup Selection Procedures (see link above). 
  • Travel days:  Depart April 30 / Return May 8 (subject to change)
  • Staff:  3 Staff  (Kisik Lee, Mel Nichols & Cindy Bevilacqua)

World Cup Stage 2 - Antalya, Turkey - June 6 - 11

  • Qualification Procedures:  2011 World Cup Selection Procedures (see link above). 
  • Travel days: Depart June 3 or 4 / Return June 12 (subject to change)
  • Staff:  5 Staff (Kisik Lee, Mel Nichols, Mike Usherenko, Guy Krueger & Cindy Bevilacqua)

World Cup Stage 3 - Ogden, Utah - Aug. 1-6

  • Qualification Procedures:  2011 World Cup Selection Procedures (see link above).
  • Travel days:  Depart July 31 / Return Aug. 7 (subject to change)
  • Staff:  3 Staff (Kisik Lee, Mel Nichols & Cindy Bevilacqua)

World Cup Stage 4 - Shanghai, China -Sept. 5 - 11

  • Qualification Procedures:  2011 World Cup Selection Procedures (see link above).
  • Travel Days:  Depart Sept. 2 or 3 / Return Sept. 11 (subject to change)
  • Staff:  1 Staff (TBC)

World Cup Final - Istanbul, Turkey - Sept. 23 - 24

  • Qualification Procedures:  FITA selects archers based on top finishes at the four World Cup stages
  • Travel Days:  TBD
  • Funding:  Provided by FITA. 

Olympic Test Event
London, England - Oct. 3 - 11, 2011

  • Qualification Procedures:  2011 Pan Am Games Team
  • Travel Dates:  Oct. 2 - 10, 2011 (subject to change)
  • Funding:  Fully-funded event; funding provided by USOC. 
  • Staff:  4 (Kisik Lee, Mel Nichols, Guy Krueger & Cindy Bevilacqua)

Pan American Games

Guadalajara, Mexico - Oct. 13 - 22, 2011

  • Qualification Procedures:  2011 Pan Am Games Trials
  • Travel Dates:  October 12 - 23, 2011 (subject to change)
  • Funding:  Fully-funded event; funding provided by USOC. 
  • Staff:  3 (Kisik Lee, Mel Nichols, and Cindy Bevilacqua)

World Archery Youth Championships - Juniors and Cadets
Legnica, Poland - August 22 - 28, 2011



  • Qualification Procedures:  Selection Procedures found by clicking here (INSERT LINK)
  • Travel Dates:  August 19 - 29, 2011 (subject to change)
  • Funding:  Fully-funded event; funding provided by ESDF. 
  • Staff:  6 (Kisik Lee, Jim Pruitte, Jim White, Rich Cockrell, Kathy Adams & Robert Turner)

World Archery Americas - Junior USAT
Puerto Rico, June 18-23

  • Qualification Procedures:  The top four archers per category from the 2011 Jr. USAT Rankings.  To field a four-person team per category, priority will be given to junior archers in ranking order on the 2011 Jr. USAT, the top ranked 2011 Cadet USAT Member, and then continue from the number six archer in the 2011 Junior USAT ranking. 
  • Travel Dates:  June 16 - June 23, 2011
  • Funding:  Fully-funded event; funding provided by ESDF. 
  • Staff:  4 (Jim Pruitte, Rich Cockrell, Linda Beck, and Kathy Adams)

World Archery Americas Events

COSTA RICA                        August 15 - 21, 2011

CHILE                                  September 15 - 20, 2011

  • Logistics:                    Each athlete communicates with the Local Organizing Committee
  • Travel Dates:              Athlete's discretion
  • Funding:                     Self-funded event
  • Uniforms:                    Athlete provided
  • Staff:                           Not provided

2011 USAT and Jr. USAT Requirements - the requirements are posted on the website so you can plan your travel year accordingly. (CLICK HERE) 

Rolling Ranking System - The Rolling Ranking System will be used through the end of 2011 utilizing the same formulas from 2010.  The system will be updated following every tournament.  The Rolling Ranking updated following the Nor'Easter and will be used as part of the selection criteria for the Ogden and Shanghai World Cups. 

2011 Rolling Ranking Events

  • USAT Events
    • Arizona Cup, April 7 - 10
    • Gator Cup, April 21 - 24
    • Gold Cup, May 12 - 15
    • Nor'Easter, June 23 - 26
    • So Cal Showdown, August 11 - 14
  • U.S. National Target Championships, Yankton, SD, July 27 - 30

USOC Recurve Operation Gold - Traditionally the USOC approves an annual Operation Gold event in which they provide monetary support for athletes placing in the top 8 in the highest international competitions during the year.  The 2011 Operation Gold Event is the World Archery Championships in Torino, Italy.  Team stipends are also awarded to each member based upon their final placement.  Depending on the athletes' placement, the stipends are:

  • 1st -      $6,000
  • 2nd -     $5,000
  • 3rd -      $4,000
  • 4th -      $3,500
  • 5th -     $3,000
  • 6th -     $3,000
  • 7th -      $2,000 (Individual Only)
  • 8th -      $2,000 (Individual Only)

USOC Recurve Support - The USOC will provide financial funding and health insurance for the top males and females within USA Archery.  Archer eligibility and specific funding levels for Direct Athlete Support and Elite-Athlete Health Insurance can be found in the 2011 High Performance Plan

Questions?  Please contact Robby Beyer at (619) 482-6175 or [email protected]


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