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November 26, 2014

Register Today for Junior Dream Team Coach Observer Program

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - The Coach Observer Program allows Level 3-NTS and 4-NTS Coaches to observe a Junior Dream Team (JDT) camp, getting hands-on experience with the National Training System.  Space is limited to 6 Coach Observers per JDT Camp.

The cost for this program is $360 and includes registration, housing, meals and transportation provided by the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. 

The next JDT Camp will follow the 2015 USA Archery Coach Symposium. The Camp will start on Sunday, January 18 and run to Saturday, January 24. The 18th and the 24th are travel days.

Click here to register for the JDT Coach Observer Program. 

Goals for Coach Observers:

�               Increase understanding of the National Training System (NTS).

�               Learn to be a more effective coach

�               Progress to the next level of coaching certification

�               Fulfill requirements for coach certifications

What to expect:

Coach Observers will follow the JDT training schedule for the duration of the camp.  Each day starts with physical training before breakfast, training before lunch, another training session before dinner, and a study hall that will conclude around 9:00 p.m. Coach Observers will be given various assignments as part of the program, and will shadow JDT coaches. 

Coach Observers should pack the following items:

�      Digital camera

�      Laptop if possible

�      Memory stick (recommend at least 2GB storage)

�      Small notebook

�      Stretch band

�      Form strap or string-bow

During camp, the Coach Observer is required to attend all meetings/classroom sessions and complete all field and written assignments. Failure to meet performance requirements will result in not receiving program credit or in exclusion from future camps. 

Priority list for choosing Coach Observers to attend JDT camp:

1.     Current USA Archery NTS coaches working to advance to the next level of certification, i.e. Level 3-NTS working on Level 4-NTS

2.     Personal coaches of JDT archers

3.     Current USA Archery NTS coaches attending for renewal of certification or wanting to learn more about the National Training system (NTS)

4.     Parents of JDT archers

5.     Personal coaches of JDT Invitee archers

6.     Parents of JDT Invitee archers

Parents and Coaches who have not been approved for the Coach Observer program are welcome to attend camp.  They will not be able to utilize any of the Olympic Training Center facilities, and will also need to arrange their own accommodation, meals, and transportation. 

Please contact Steve Cornell at [email protected] with any questions.

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