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August 06, 2008

Archery Press Conference quotes

Quote Sheet
Archery Press Conference
August 6, 2008

Kisik Lee, coach
On their early arrival in Beijing:
"We arrived on the 27th (of July), the earliest of the teams. We've had good training for 10 days. Actually, we were worried about the weather conditions, but we've been blessed with really nice blue sky most of the days. We've trained well and prepared well and now we'll be ready for the Olympics."

On the resident athlete program:
"The resident athlete program was introduced before I became coach. Right now we have 10 athletes in the program in Chula Vista, one with our national program. Our main focus with the program is to develop our younger archers."

Khatuna Lorig (West Hollywood, Calif./Chula Vista, Calif.)
On her fourth Olympic Games representing a third country:
"It was a great experience before, competing for the Soviet Union and twice for Georgia, but this is special because the U.S. Olympic Committee cares so much for us. They'll do anything, everything possible to make you comfortable and make your training really great. All we have to do is just think about archery and shoot. I'm hoping I can do something special and get a medal and make the United States very proud because I am very, very proud to be part of the U.S. team."

Jennifer Nichols (Cheyenne, Wyo./Cheyenne, Wyo.)
On being at the Olympic Games:
"All of us athletes feel very privileged to be here and to be able to compete in these Games. It's being done so very well and so professionally. The Chinese people have been so good to us and so hospitable. They've been extremely kind and have bent over backward to do everything in their power to make our stay comfortable and pleasant. I think all of us, and me especially, have been really impressed with what we've seen in Beijing. I've really enjoyed our stay so far."

Butch Johnson (Woodstock, Conn./Woodstock, Conn.)
On being in Beijing:
"The facilities are excellent, probably the best I've best Olympic venue and village that I've been at yet. We have a great team. Individual in our sport is very difficult. It's 12 arrows to a guy and who knows what will happen. We all have a definite chance at medaling and honestly I'd be kind of surprised if our team doesn't medal in the team event."

Vic Wunderle (Mason City, Ill./Lighthouse Point, Fla.)
On the facilities:
"The venue is wonderful. The Chinese have done a great job with everything here. It's my third Olympics and I'm very impressed with what they've done."

Brady Ellison (Glendale, Ariz./Chula Vista, Calif.)
On the resident athlete program:
"I've been in the program the past two and a half years and I've really enjoyed it. I love shooting, so it gives me a chance to go out there and shoot every day. I think it really helps. We have a lot of younger guys out there. It'll take a couple of years, but hopefully they'll get to the top."

On being in Beijing:
"This is my first Olympic Games and I've never experienced anything like this. I've been to a couple of world championships and a Pan Am Games. Never have I been somewhere where everything been so organized, from busses to the dining hall. Everything has been just perfect, well-built. Where we're staying in the Village is awesome, the best place I've ever stayed at. Pretty much we wake up, we go eat and we shoot and that's all we've had to worry about. Everything else has been on schedule. Every day is the same, and we just get into a routine."

On what he's learned from his more experienced teammates:
"I've traveled with this team for the past two years. Ever since then all of these guys have taken me under their wings and shown me so much. How to stay calm in competitions, what to expect, how to sleep, how to pack. It pretty much takes all the stress out and allows me to just focus on the tournament. These guys have taught me so many lessons, it's hard to pick out just one."

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